
Track Every Drop: Best Fence-Mounted Rain Gauges for Your Garden

outdoor home rain gauge

If you’re a gardener, you know how important it is to keep your plants watered. But sometimes, Mother Nature will do the job for you, and it’s not good for your plants to double-dip; that can invite all kinds of issues! Of course, measuring how much rain has fallen can be difficult, especially if you’re not around (or awake) to witness the rainfall event. That’s where LouRoss Technology’s heavy-duty rain gauges comes in! With this easy-to-use tool in your arsenal, you’ll never lose track of the rain again!

6" Capacity Outdoor Home rain gauge: Learn more here

11" Capacity Outback Blue rain gauge: Learn more here

A Handy Tracking Tool

LouRoss Technology’s home rain gauge was designed as a tool to help gardeners keep track of precipitation events and prevent them from overwatering their plants. For those of you who don’t know, overwatering can lead to issues like root rot, which is definitely not something you want happening to your vegetables and flowers! Developed to measure rainfall volume in precise increments, the gauge features a dual-scale system with measurements in both imperial and metric units. 

Of course, just because you’re a green thumb doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re tech-savvy. But don’t be afraid. It’s a manual gauge, so it doesn’t require electronic devices to operate. You also won’t need to calibrate it to keep readings accurate. 

Easy to Install

The product comes with a mounting bracket and all the necessary hardware for assembly. For the best results, LouRoss Technology recommends mounting it on fence posts or deck railing posts. Anywhere else works, too; just make sure you can see it!

The wide-mouth design of the product allows for easy cleaning; the gauge can simply be removed from the bracket and emptied. Additionally, it can be used to store up to 150 mm, or 6 inches, of rainwater, and you can use the collected rain to water your plants on drier days. Keep enough rainwater, and you’ll end up reducing your overall water usage quite substantially!

Durable and Long-Lived

That’s not all. The gauge is manufactured from high-quality polycarbonate plastic, ensuring that it can withstand many years of usage without cracking, yellowing, or clouding from exposure to the elements. Because polycarbonate plastic is also sun- and frost-hardy, the product is suitable for a variety of climates, but notes that it may freeze in extremely icy conditions. 

To protect the tool, you can remove it from the mounting bracket and store it in a sheltered location until conditions improve. Isn’t that convenient? It’s easy to use and very mobile!

Many customers agree. One of them said, “This gauge is a little bit bigger than I expected, but I ended up keeping it, and I am really happy with it. It's sturdy and seems very strong. I compared it to more expensive and  ‘professional’ rain gauges that I have, and it measures rainfall just as accurately. It was very easy to install, too.”

Rain may not be welcome to everyone, but to the gardening enthusiast, it’s a blessing. Knowing how much rain fell overnight is pretty good info to have, so the next time it’s in the forecast, greet it with a smile and one of LouRoss Technology’s rain gauges!

Visit Outdoor Home rain gauges herehttps://www.amazon.com/outdoorhome?maas=maas_adg_1D5BDC8E6B4A4663A4132D15941D3CA6_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas to get started!