
Tired Of Replacing Cracked Rain Gauges?

If you are fed up with your rain gauge becoming unreadable or breaking in a matter of months, read this!

The reason many rain gauges crack and break or become unreadable is because of the material they are made out of. Plastic rain gauges come in many grades quality of plastic, and the main reason a rain gauge may be cheap is because of the quality of the materials used.

So if you are wanting a rain gauge that lasts the distance, won't go yellow or crack in the sun or frost conditions you need to be paying attention to the quality of materials used in the product.

Polystyrene plastics are more commonly associated with the cheaper end of the rain gauge range. The plastic is easy to use and print on, however it is brittle.

At the other end of the plastic spectrum you have Polycarbonate plastic rain gauges. With more expensive material costs and to manufacture, they have the unrivalled advantage of being tough and durable in extreme climatic conditions. In harsh sunlight this plastic rain gauge does not yellow or go cloudy, so it remains easy to read and manage. Able to withstand frost conditions, however it may crack with snow freezing in it. Rain gauges manufactured from this type of plastic are usually chosen by weather bureaus and commercial enterprise because of it's durability.

For the very serious weather watcher metal rain gauges and automatic tipping bucket rain gauges could be appropriate. These definetely fall into the very pricey category!

For the backyard gardener or keen weather watcher the polystyrene or polycarbonate manual rain gauges are popular choices. If you are a gadget freak, then a electronic rain gauge or weather station may be a perfect fit.

Where To Place A Rain Gauge


For an accurate reading, choose an area that is open to install your Outback Blue Rain Gauge. 

Keeping your rain gauge away from tall trees, big shrubs and buildings will ensure there is no obstructions to the rain collection capacity, ensuring greater accuracy.  It is ideal to place the rain gauge at least twice as far away as the height of the nearest tree or building.


Inaccurate readings in the rain gauge can be influenced by strong wind by as much as 20%!  The force of the wind can drive the rainfall against the rain gauge instead of filling it.  We suggest placing the rain gauge near low bushes, fences and low structures to act as a buffer to strong wind.


Take the measurement from the rain gauge at the same time each day. Record the rainfall and empty the rain gauge completely to begin collecting rain for the next 24 hour period.  We suggest taking the reading in the morning, if it is emptied later in the day evaporation may contribute to an inaccurate reading.


Installing a pair of Outback Blue Rain Gauges at least 6 meters apart will give a higher degree of accuracy in measuring the rainfall.  Having a pair of rain gauges means an average can be taken from them, thereby avoiding inaccurate readings due to strong wind or other factors.

What Rain Gauge To Choose

For some people knowing how much rain fell in the backyard is just a matter of curiosity.

For others, it is essential for their day to day lives.

Regardless if you are a backyard weather watcher, or someone whose livelihood is based on rainfall, there is a rain gauge out

there for you to measure the rainfall just like the professionals do!

Key Factors To Consider

What is it going to be used for - home garden, commercial enterprise, farming, education.

Form or Function - Is the rain gauge purely to collect vital rain fall data,       

an added decoration to the garden or somewhere in between.

The intended location - Is the rain gauge to be placed in the ground, on a fence or in a garden bed.

Climate - Do you live in a tropical area that receives monsoonal or heavy seasonal rain fall or a dry arid hot climate. 

Exposure to harsh weather conditions can greatly affect the longevity of a rain gauge.

Budget - Prices vary in range from a low $4.00 up to $100’s of dollars.  The price will also usually reflect the quality of the product. 

If you are wanting a durable, sturdy product then you would also need to make sure the materials used to make the rain gauge are of a high standard.

Once you are clear on the factors that will suit your needs, it’s time to figure which rain gauge will be best for you.

Different types of rain gauges

There are two main types of rain gauges - manual and electronic.

Manual (analogue) rain gauges require you to check the rainfall collected in the gauge to record and empty.

These rain gauges are easy to use, simple to install and set and forget until it rains.

Electronic wireless rain gauges automatically record the rain collected and some even have the ability to automatically empty.  

These rain gauges are a gadget mad, tech geeks dream!  The installation and set up can be quite complicated and calibration of the unit may also be required.

Now its time to see what options may be suitable for you in the following examples

  1. Home Gardeners rain gauge - this type of rain gauge could be either manual or electronic depending on your tech abilities!  The size of the rain gauge will be important to ensure it will be able to collect every drop of rain so you can effectively manage the plants and lawn in your garden. A six inch/150mm capacity or more rain gauge would be ideal and made of durable quality materials.  The OutdoorHome 6”/150mm capacity rain gauge is a very popular choice in this category ticking all the boxes and more!
  2. Garden bed decoration - If you have a pretty garden bed a decorative rain gauge on a stake could be added for effect.  These manual rain gauges usually have a smaller collection capacity and can be quite delicate. 
  3. Professional rain gauge for the farmer, gardener, horticulture, commercial industries or education - The most suitable rain gauge for this situation is usually a manual large capacity rain gauge, similar to what weather bureaus use. The collection capacity is usually 10 inches/250 mm or more and made of durable materials that can withstand harsh climatic conditions. The Outback Blue  11”/280mm capacity rain gauge fits this bill perfectly for keen weather watchers, farmers, schools and avid gardeners.